Teaching Courage

    Courage isn’t about something magical that happens inside us to make us ‘not scared’. It’s about something magical that happens inside us to make us push through fear, self-doubt, anxiety, and do the things that feel hard, challenging, or out of our comfort zone. Sometimes, courage only has to happen for just a […]

The Power of Vulnerability & ‘Daring Greatly’ While Parenting In A Pandemic

  I am part of a Group called The Adler Café as I study the psychology of Alfred Adler as part of my continued professional development and we meet up monthly through Zoom since lockdown. Alfred Adler was an Austrian physician and psychiatrist who is best-known for forming the school of thought known as Individual […]

The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story To Ponder !

Here’s your Wednesday Story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil! Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs…. who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on […]