For A Minute! The Technique That Will Change Everything
I bet you’ve had your child ask you many times to read a book or play a game and I bet you’ve said, “In a minute.” This usually sets you up to forget the request and you may end up not doing what you told your child you would do, which damages your relationship and […]
The Sue Atkins Sunday Saying – a cup of positivi-tea
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. What have they got you thinking, saying, doing and becoming as this really affects the course of your life. If you don’t like what you see – make some changes.
Question: Over to you now!
Question: Over to you now! What are your best, little-known tools, tips and tricks that you like to use every day? I’d love your thoughts on this.
Because kids don’t come with a handbook!
There is absolutely no doubt that raising a family can be an exhausting, challenging and on many occasions a frustrating business; but when you get it right there is no single experience in life that will prove to be as fulfilling and rewarding as bringing up happy children. Every parent wants to do the very […]
The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question
Success in parenting, which for me means bringing up happy, confident, well rounded adults who are independent, resilient and fulfilled, is really no different from being successful in any other aspect of life. It’s about mindset, commitment, and confidence and all about taking small steps of action every day, every week and every month […]
The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question
What do you most want to change? What would be different in your life if this problem was gone? What will happen if you don’t sort it out once and for all? What one step could you take this week to start this process off? Download your copy of Sue’s Ebook How to give your kids […]