Bringing up kids isn’t easy – it’s tiring, exhausting, overwhelming and downright challenging at times – as well as hugely rewarding, wonderful, mesmerising and humbling.
But in the socks & pants of life it’s easy to get a bit stuck in the nagging, negative mindset when we are parenting.
It’s also very easy to stick the kids in front of the TV, give them a ipad or your phone while you peel the potatoes, empty the dishwasher or make the beds.
So my New Year Challenge to you – (should you wish to accept it as they say to Tom Cruise in ‘Mission Impossible’ ) is to commit to doing one fun thing with your kids every week for 2023.
It will nurture you child’s self esteem to play with them, read to them, take time to build a rocket, bake a cake, or paint a rainbow. Perhaps you could stop and remember to look at your child when they are talking to you then you can simply relax and watch your child bloom and watch them blossom.
Even if you only pick one activity and do it regularly it will nurture your child’s self esteem and confidence and build memories that may well last a lifetime – and that is what this simple challenge is all about !
Have fun ?