Having a new baby is very exciting but your older child may worry about what all the changes may mean to them as for the last year or two they have probably been the centre of your universe so it’s a good idea to prepare them for this exciting new arrival.
Pregnancy Preparations
Tip 3. At some point during your pregnancy, your child will realise that something is different. Change is upsetting to a child, but you can alleviate this anxiety by explaining what is going to happen.
Prepare your child by getting out their baby book and talking to them about how special they are to you.
Look at their baby photos and their milestones and talk about what they can do now that they couldn’t do a year ago.
Nurture and fill up their self esteem so they don’t feel displaced, left out or jealous of the new arrival and help them understand their place in your family.
The happy times will far outweigh the changes and you’ll soon have a doting older brother or sister on your hands before you know it.
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