Parents who stay together ‘for the sake of the children’ are not doing the best thing for their youngsters’ mental health.

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I was very interested to read in The Mail on Sunday about new findings published  by Swedish researchers and supported by University College, London around couples ‘staying together’

15,000 schoolchildren were examined to see how divorce affected them and the study found disparity in children’s mental health due to their living situation.

Couples who stay married ‘for the sake of the children’ are not necessarily doing the best thing for their youngsters’ mental health.

Children who spend time with each of their divorced parents are no more likely to suffer from mental health problems than children of parents who remain together, Swedish researchers have concluded. The researchers from Stockholm University’s Centre for Health Equity Studies found negligible differences in the mental health of children who lived with each parent in turn.

Sensitive parenting, and predictability of everyday life is important when raising children. This research implies that it is possible for parents to provide these features also if they do not live together.’

I also found the fact that there was no suggestion that children fared better or worse depending on the gender of the parent they lived with interesting too.



self esteem and divorce


To help you navigate the journey through Divorce, if that is what you have decided is best for your family,  I’ve recently launched a new series of free Divorce videos called -> Divorce Step by Step.

Divorce Step By Step has been set up specifically to help you address the range of issues and matters you have to face when going through a divorce. I have been through the process myself so I know 1st hand how you are feeling and what you are going to go through.

I have come out the other side, stronger and fitter in every sense of the word. It’s not easy but with the right help and guidance the Divorce Step By Step videos will help you to help yourself make it less of a minefield.

I think it’s really important that you remember that divorce is a process NOT an event.

No two divorce situations are identical, but I believe sharing your story will be extremely helpful to other people going through the same process. Simply email me your divorce story. All contributions will be edited to keep the identity of everyone anonymous and names will be replaced with initials and we won’t publish any anonymous contributions.

The website is not a place to vent your anger at your ex – it’s a place to get information, ideas & strategies and it’s my intention to empower you to make good decisions going forward.

There are three areas in which the videos will seek to guide you.
1. Legal– we’ve recruited some of the top family lawyers to take you through the paperwork and process.
2. Financial– guidance on what you can expect to pay and what you might expect to get.
3. Emotional– the effect on the children and just as importantly YOU.
Go to Divorce Step By Step to explore also join in the conversation and send your story to [email protected]
Feel free to ask questions and we will offer our advice in response to your email in a video.
I’m here to support you through my Divorce Videos,  Divorce Coaching Programmes, Divorce Workshops and with my inexpensive Divorce Resources

my divorce box

Click on the link to buy my => Divorce Cards

Click on the link to download my ‘Handling Divorce Positively MP3’


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