Never cut what you can untie. Work with me through your divorce 1-2-1

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Work with me through your divorce

Week 1:

Where You Are Now – financially, emotionally and mentally
Telling The Children
The Parenting Plan of Assurances
Me time

Week 2

What you want
Clarity, direction and ways practical ways forward
Objectives, Goals and The Magic Wand Exercise
The Time Line Exercise
The One Point Technique
The Circle of Confidence
Useful Resourceful States
Dignity, Respect and Detachment

Week 3

The 7 Steps of Denial, Anger, Resentment, Fear, Sadness, Relief, Acceptance
The Process
Practical Ways of Getting Support

Week 4

Looking at Guilt, Trauma, Disappointment and Failure
New Traditions
Me Time

Week 5

Self esteem
Confidence Building
Moving from “ We ” to “I”
The Success Diary

Week 6

Letting go
Moving forward

I am here to support, champion and encourage you through this time of change as I empower you by asking good questions to help you to find your own answers for your family, as every parent I work with is unique and different because one size doesn’t fit all.

But coaching is not therapy, mentoring or counselling – it’s about moving forward positively with clarity and confidence and creating new solutions for your present circumstances while also creating a compelling and exciting future for everyone to look forward to…. over time.

‘Divorce Putting Your Children First’ Coaching Programme is an interactive one-on-one coaching experience designed to meet your individual family needs and help you establish your specific goals for separating confidently and positively and to empower you with proven action plans easily and quickly.

This programme consists of a series of six 1-2-1 weekly coaching sessions conducted from the comfort of your own home so book NOW to begin moving your life forward and feel back in control of your life today.

Telephone me on 01883 818329

Or book online here

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