Exam Success & Navigating the Teenage Years Giveaway
Exam’s are right around the corner and not far after that will be the summer holiday’s. For June’s giveaway I’m bundling up all the workbooks and MP3’s in the teenager section of my shop. Here are all the items you can win: Banish the Bickering Confidence Classes for Kids Coping with Change Exam Success Made […]
6 fast tips to help your toddler get talking.
Your Toddler as an Apprentice ‘Wordmagician’ Here is a wonderful article on ‘The Science Behind Toddler Language Development’ by my great pal across the pond Dr. Lynne Kenney. “If you have a child approaching three years of age, you hear daily, that he is becoming a Wordmagician. Just 6 months ago, he was communicating primarily […]