‘Selfies’ – Are They Putting Kids Under Too Much Pressure To Be Perfect?

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“Selfies,” which are photographs people take of themselves or of themselves with others, have become extremely popular in today’s society. Even though selfies might be fun to take, a new survey is claiming that selfies might actually influence young people to turn to plastic surgery.

“Social platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and the iPhone app Selfie.im, which are solely image based, force patients to hold a microscope up to their own image and often look at it with a more self-critical eye than ever before,” warned the president of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), Edward H. Farrior, MD, in the news release. “These images are often the first impressions young people put out there to prospective friends, romantic interests and employers and our patients want to put their best face forward.”

What  are your thoughts ?

Read more here http://www.counselheal.com/articles/8989/20140314/selfies-could-be-pressuring-youth-toward-plastic-surgery.htm

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