My great friend Amanda is amazing – she is sooooo full of beans and great fun to be with. She has a fabulous way with kids and her energy is just infectious.
Amanda runs the best children’s parties I’ve ever seen. In fact she’s organised parties for The Beckhams, Angelina and Brad as well as James Cracknell and Amanda Holden !
Yet her prices won’t scare you !
She runs lots of different and exciting parties to make your children’s day really, really special and memorable so pop over to to explore.
Action Streetdance
(For children aged 6-12 yrs) Streedance is an improvisational form of dance combining many different styles including, popping, robot dance, house dance, tap and locking. Your host choreographs all these elements to make up a routine.
Action Breakdance
(For children aged 6-12 yrs) Attitude is everything in Breakdance! It’s about self expression and being noticed. Dance styles incorporated are toprock, downrock, power moves and freezes. It’s all about doing tricks in the dance and looking cool.
Action Pop Dance
(For children aged 6-12 yrs) Dance like your favourite pop star and their crew of dancers with a fun choreographed routine.
Action Gymnastics
(For children aged 4-8 yrs) This party involves a variety of gymnastics for all levels of ability including jumping, stretching, balancing, rolling, cartwheels and handstands.
Action Freerun
(For children aged 6-12 yrs) Free running is an urban, physical discipline based around overcoming obstacles on the street. This party involves jumping, climbing, swinging and rolling – the core elements of Free Running with some self-expression mixed in.
Strike a Pose/Pampering party
(For children aged 6-12 yrs) This is a feel good party ! Have some pampering fun with your friends and walk the catwalk with confidence.