Worried about going back to work? Here’s my simple, very practical idea to help you RELAX !

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One Page Profiles for Babies are a really super technique for Mums who are worried about going back to work and are already feeling anxious, worried and guilty about leaving their little ones with someone else.

Doing a really simple One Page Profile for your little one will bring you confidence & clarity and will help you RELAX knowing every little detail is covered, as you can leave a really, really detailed One Page Profile for people who look after your little one like their Dad, Grandmas, Granddads, Aunties, Nannies, Childminders, Babysitters etc so they know what Teddy they like, what side of the cot they prefer to sleep on, that they kick off their duvet, and that they like their food at a certain time every day, that they prefer  to kick their legs after a bath and that a certain type of cry means that they are tired – all sorts of really detailed stuff that makes a baby feel nurtured in the way they like to feel nurtured, it’s especially reassuring for when Mums go back to work.

Lots of parents pop them up in their  child’s bedroom as you can add photos and pictures to make it look nice and make it totally personal to your baby – what’s so wonderful is that it keeps growing and changing as your child grows and changes too.

I also do them with families with Toddlers, School Aged Kids and Teenagers – as it’s brilliant for building your child’s self esteem and building bridges not walls betwen you.

So if you would like to go learn how to do a One Page Profile or come on a One Page Profile Family workshop contact me on 01342 833355 today to arrange a time that fits in with your babies schedule.

Here’s a blog I did about our 1st Family One Page Profile Workshop http://sueatkinsparentingcoach.com/today-was-an-important-day/


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