I was delighted to have been interviewed by the lovely Tanya Daye from Childcare Clerical
Tanya came in to contact with me via my twitter page, @sueatkins and she kindly said that I offer amazing bite size tips and advise that is useful to all parents and those in the childcare profession.
“The main focus of this interview is to find out more about Sue and how her new book can help those working in Early Years Profession (such as day nurseries, nannies, preschools, childminders, out of school clubs etc) support parents……
I understand from your book that you were a “Deputy Head and Class Teacher for over 22 years before studying to become a Parent Coach”. Prior to meeting you, I had not heard of the term Parent Coach.
How did you discover this profession? Then what made you decide to become a Parent Coach?
I studied to be a Life Coach from the largest professional coaching academy in Europe first The Coaching Academy and then went on to study as an NLP Master Trainer and Practitioner with Paul McKenna and Tony Robbins and I quickly realised that no one was teaching parents these fascinating skills so I took up that mantle.
When my father and mother died within a year of each other I was walking my dogs one day and was reflecting on what they had given me as parents and it was the gift of self esteem so now I work with parents to enable them to pass that important gift on to their children.
I am really passionate about self esteem for children and I run workshops and after school clubs on Confidence for Kids https://sueatkinsparentingcoach.com/beat-bullying-workshop/ as from this life skill all manner of wonderful things can happen.
After you had become a Coach you “Extending your training to become and NLP Master Practitioner (Neuro-linguistic programming).
Why did you decide to extend your studying into this area?
I love to study from the best people and experts in their field as I aspire to be the best so NLP opened up this fascinating study of excellent communication, a positive mindset and how our limiting beliefs can really hold us back unless we notice them so I jumped right in to learn it properly and being a teacher to the tips of my toes I now teach others what I learned.
As far as I understand (mainly from Wikipedia) the aim of NLP is “…finding ways to help people have better, fuller and richer lives.”
It is also about the study of excellence and really effective communication so it’s a natural skill to teach the parents I work with – it’s all about your parenting confidence and your communication skills as a parent first
Do you think there are aspect of NLP that would benefit Early Years Practitioners in their relationship with the children and their parents? If so how, if not why not?
NLP explores the relationships between how we think (neuro), how we communicate (linguistic) and our patterns of behaviour and emotion (programmes).
So yes NLP can help Early Years Practitioners to:
- Be more successful by learning to influence their emotional and psychological states.
- Replace negative behaviours and habits with positive ones.
- Transform the way they go about everyday tasks.
- Be more aware of their impact on others and how to manage their behaviour for the very best results.
- Better understand their own motivations, needs and behaviours and use these positively to have the greatest impact with the children they work with
- Better understand their children’s needs, motivations and behaviours.
- Improve and enhance their interpersonal communication at home, at work and in everyday life
Read the full interview here