Fancy Popping into ‘Boots’ for your FREE Vouchers For Parenting Classes?

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I was delighted to have been invited to discuss parenting after the Riots at The House of Commons  and tonight I am on BBCRadio 5 Live discussing the governments answer as parents will be given £100 vouchers for lessons in how to handle their children in a Government bid to tackle a lack of family discipline.

The free vouchers, entitling parents up to 10 two-hour sessions on how to bring up their offspring, will be distributed through the high street chemist Boots.

The scheme – known as Can Parent – is said to be the brainchild of Steve Hilton, David Cameron’s strategy adviser who is leaving Downing Street for a sabbatical this summer.

It is thought to be designed to bolster the Prime Minister’s reputation as a traditional family man as well as try to combat the problems that led to last summer’s riots.

Mothers and fathers of children under the age of five will be eligible for the scheme, as will grandparents and other carers.

A pamphlet accompanying the voucher says: “We know that happy, confident mums and dads have happy confident children.

“Being a parent can be brilliant and challenging all at the same time. Children change so fast and every family is different. Sometimes you might find yourself unsure of how to handle and issue and want more advice to help you feel more confident.”

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