Leaving the children at home when you go shopping could save more than £400 a year in pester power treats

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Toddlers often use tears and tantrums to get what they want.

There’s no surprise there then ! 🙂

But did you know that according to findings, parents spend £435 a year – on top of normal bills – to keep youngsters happy on family days out?

Sweets (55 per cent), toys (41 per cent) and magazines (24 per cent) are the most popular purchases and three quarters of adults deem the experience of shopping with their children as ‘stressful’.

I was interviewed today for some of my tips and advice by The Daily Record but if you can’t wait until then download my Toddler Taming Toolkit NOW 🙂

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2100424/Leaving-children-home-shopping-save-400-year-pester-power-treats.html#ixzz1mTTXcFYi



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