Why do all the girls have to buy pink stuff and all the boys have to buy blue stuff – The LEGO Debate

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In December, LEGO  –  a brand that previously could do no wrong  – came out with a girlified version of their beloved blocks called LEGO Friends, and the marketers behind this switch were greeted with a bellowing,  social media frenzy of “Why?”

Now, a pair of 22-year-old activists for girls, Bailey Shoemaker Richards and Stephanie Cole, have launched a petition to get LEGO to commit to gender equity in marketing.

The spokeswoman for this campaign, Riley Maida‘s one-minute and 11 second rant about toy marketing took the Internet by storm in December.

“Some girls like superheroes, some girls like princesses, some boys like superheroes, some boys like princesses. So why do all the girls have to buy pink stuff and all the boys have to buy different color stuff?” she asked.

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