I was really thrilled to hear from Tricia Cummings from Sing and Sign in Lambeth about how my article ” Saying “NO” to your kids with confidence !” helped her feel more connected to her little ones !
“Sue – just picked up this via Twitter. I managed a “No” in the face of tired 5 year old boundary pushing this very evening. He was desperate to play on my iphone and I said “No”, which gave rise to how “unfair it was” and “why not” and various other mutterings. Mainly “It’s not FAAAIIIIRRRR” though .
However, within 3 minutes, he’d completely given up protesting and badgering and was sitting nicely in the back of the car, even without annoying his sister. MARVELLOUS! We have had a very tense, sibling-aggression filled weekend – so I have armed myself with your iphone app (which is fab and very good value for money) and I’m feeling calmer and more connected with my little darlings already
Thanks so much !”
Go and check out Tricia’s FREE TASTER SESSIONS FOR SING AND SIGN IN JANUARY 2012 HERE (and then select “Special Events”)