I am really delighted to show you a super review that I received from the lovely Deidre from Sign2Music.
“Sue Atkins is a parenting expert in the UK who is the author of “Raising Happy Children for Dummies.” She frequently writes articles and appears on TV and radio discussing many aspects of parenting.
This app aims to share tools and techniques to help parents raise well behaved kids. It has 5 sections:
- The home page which gives baisc information about Sue.
- The audio page has short tracks from Sue’s best selling CD The Secrets to Well Behaved Kids.
- Sue’s secrets shares her top tips for successful behaviour management.
- The Parent Coaching section asks and answers questions about aspects of parenting.
- The More section has even more useful information including: Weds story, affirmations, Sunday Sayings, In the News, Sue Recommends, Sue’s blog, podcasts, videos, ask the expert and top tips!!
The app would appeal to any busy parent who wants to build on the skills they have as a parent without having to sit down and read a book from cover to cover. It is as relevant to parents of teenagers as it is to parents of babies. Although it does not specifically focus in detail on behavioural problems or problematic situations, this app would be useful for parents dealing with any such difficulties. However, it is also a really useful tool to inspire parents for whom things are going pretty well at the moment!
I specifically liked the layout of the app. Because there were different sections in the app and each section had a number of secrets, coaching questions, etc, it is perfect to ‘dip into’ when you have a few minutes free.
I love the confidence building approach Sue takes throughout this app. Too many ‘parenting’ programmes focus on telling us where we are going wrong, further eroding our already fragile self esteem. This app does the opposite. It does not criticise, instead asking searching questions we answer for ourselves. In doing so we begin to view, for example discipline, from a slightly different perspective.
Excellent value for money, this is the best £2.99 I ever spent. For this price you gain access to fantastic motivational and inspirational ideas to help consolidate your current skills as a parent, boost your confidence and support you to boost your children’s self esteem! Not bad for the price of a burger!
The Parenting Made Easy – The Secret To Well Behaved Kids app can be downloaded from itunes through the following link
Sign2Music is the only Northern Ireland based ‘baby signing’ organisation. It aims to promote the use of signing with children using regional NI British Sign Language (BSL) signs, in an enjoyable and fun way! www.sign2music.co.uk