F alse
E vidence
A ppearing
R eal
Fear is that little voice deep within all of us. Fear is with you on all of your adventures – but it doesn’t need to stop them. Fear is there for a reason ….. to keep you safe. But it is founded in the past and has one major purpose ….. to project doubt into your future.
So for this week just work out what you are afraid of and why.
Is your fear real or imagined?
What has your fear cost you over the last year?
What has it cost you over the last 5 years?
What will your life be like when you are courageous?
You can bring any dream, any goal, any wish to fruition faster if you ignore unfounded fear and learn to listen to the larger, stronger and more powerful voices that also live inside your head.
Remember your successes, things you are proud of yourself for and feel courage. Then when you are brushing your teeth every morning and evening just say some of them out loud to yourself and start to notice the massive change in your mood, your attitude and your confidence.
If you would like to work personally with me to break through your fear – just give me a call as I’m only at the end of a phone 01342 833355 – or download my Positive Parent Daily Workout CD available now as an MP3 to give yourself that daily boost of confidence to make your dreams come true.
To explore my Clarity, Confidence and Mastery Coaching Programmes click here