Send me YOUR videos, stories and photos using your “Easy” button and your Parenting Made Easy app

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The Sue Atkins "That was EASY" Confidence Campaign



Lots of  parents, schools and families have sent me emails about using my idea for the “Easy” button or my Parenting Made Easy app  so I thought it would be fun if you send me in your videos or photos of your family having fun using your “Easy” button or my Parenting Made Easy app so we can post them up here on my site or on my Facebook page

You’ll win an Easy Button to share and pass around your friends and family and another one to give to your kids teacher !

A Dad  used  my app in the supermarket when his toddler was having a tantrum  and he needed a quick tip and a way to distract her, another Mum used the “Easy” button when her teenager was struggling with revising for her exams, but did another hour and pressed her “Easy” button which made her smile, relax and feel good.

Where have you used your “Easy” button, where have you used your Parenting Made Easy app – in the park, in the playground, up a mountain, on holiday by the pool ?

There will be a prize every month for the funniest, most unusual or best story of building your child’s confidence and self esteem so get busy sending them in to me at [email protected] as I’d LOVE to hear your story 🙂

Here’s my story of how my idea came about:

“I was getting things ready for my ~Beat Bullying~ Confidence Classes for Kids.  ~ Helping children feel good about themselves workshop when I decided to use the Staples fun button that says “ That was EASY! ”

It’s a really simple, easy and  brilliant way to anchor confidence in a child’s unconscious and to attach doing new things and having a go, to feelings of success as it builds confidence and self esteem instantly through just having fun and being relaxed. The kids just run over and push their “ That was EASY! ” button and laugh !

An anchor is when your mood changes in response to some trigger or stimulus and your unconscious registers it every time you see it, hear it  or feel it.

A bit like going to the fridge to get a snack after seeing an advert on the telly or like jumping up at a party when your favourite song comes on that reminds you of going to college, someone’s birthday or a romance that’s become “our song”!

Building and anchoring confidence with the “ That was EASY! ”  button sounding out loud and clear is funny and is a wonderfully positive experience for kids.

So just imagine that your family had a “ That was EASY! ”  button in your kitchen and your kids ran over and pressed it anytime they did something new , overcame something difficult,  did something  they found unpleasant or something out of their comfort zone and  just had a go!

Just think of the power to their confidence as they learnt their 7x tables, learnt to tie their shoelaces or use the potty, wrote their coursework, answered the phone and took a message, tidied their room, put away their toys, learnt to drive or read their reading book !  – the list is endless and only limited by your imagination and pressed the “That was EASY”  button !

What a wonderfully simple way to boost your child’s self esteem and develop the “have a go” mentality so important to success in Life.

Just imagine if families started to do this fun thing from the moment their kids were born….. just think how much more relaxed, optimistic and happy kids would be.

Just think,  you could use it too when you didn’t shout, didn’t nag or got something right with your kids or when you did something new for the first time too, like struggling with the  frustration over online banking,  speaking up at a meeting or salsa dancing!!!

I am passionate about helping kids grow up free from the crippling effects of low self- esteem so if you think this is a  simple, great and fun idea pass my blog on to all your friends and let’s make growing up positive and fun!

Why don’t you get one for your kitchen, office, classroom or nursery…….. and all of you can have fun making life, learning and living easier .

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all nurseries, schools, colleges, gymnastics clubs, dance clubs, sport’s clubs all had a “ That was EASY! ”  button too?

Join my campaign for building confident parents and confident kids in all sorts of places………… it is great  fun and a very, very easy way to build your child’s self esteem and self confidence !!

Pass my simple idea on to all your friends and family, schools and nurseries, sports and activity groups  ………………

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