When I was a class teacher we used to have a 10 -15 minute slot each day called ERIC – Everyone Reading In Class but this is a super site to help with bedwetting – a very common but widely undiscussed problem for families. It can be worrying, frustrating and very stressful for everyone and hard to stay calm, grounded and positive sometimes. ERIC stands for Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence.
This website provides information and support on childhood bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation and soiling, to children, young people, parents and professionals.
About 1 in 12 young people in the UK struggle with bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation and soiling (sometimes called incontinence or continence problems). At ERIC, they know how worrying and stressful these difficulties can be and they offer lots of practical ideas, help and confidential support- so sign up for their newsletter here
They also have a very helpful video on bedwetting that explains the reasons for bedwetting, and tells the stories of 2 boys and their families and explains how ERIC can help. Watch their film and let your friends and families know about it too as parents and kids don’t have to suffer, worry and argue around this subject.
Click here for ERIC’s video