Divorce, Break Up and Separation – How are YOU handling it?

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This week I’m giving a talk to a group of Family Mediation and Collaborative Lawyers in London as they want to find out more about my “Separation – Putting your Children First” Coaching Programme for parents and children.

 I am very interested in how Mediation and Collaborative Law can ease the stress of divorce, break up, and separation for both partners, and more importantly for most children caught up in the line of fire between their two jousting parents.

I remember  watching helplessly when I was a Deputy Head, as  children in my class,  were torn apart, emotionally damaged and scarred, and become totally insecure as their parents, fought, argued, ignored their needs and worries, handled their questions poorly  and handled the challenging and very difficult part of separating badly.

So I created my Successful Separation 6 Week Coaching Programme which aims to give you clarity, direction and confidence while empowering you to manage the impact of your divorce or separation on your whole family positively.

I believe that “Divorce is a process – not an event” and that you will probably experience many different emotions ranging from denial, anger, resentment, fear, sadness, relief, to eventual acceptance.

So it with this I mind that I have created my Successful Separation Coaching Programme which will cover these topics completely at your speed and pace and enable you to look back confidently in years to come knowing that you have handled this traumatic time in the lives of your children, well and to the best of your ability.

To find out more ….


Alternatively why not download now my “ Handling Divorce Positively CD & Ideas Book”


To eliminate your sense of overwhelm, guilt, confusion, fear, resentment and panic about how to handle these changes as it is full of  practical solutions.

This audio CD and ideas book looks at how you as a parent can manage the situation more positively and gives you practical steps that you can quickly implement so you can ensure the long term well-being of your children through this time of great change, upheaval and transition.

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