This week’s theme for my blogs will be about exploring your work/life balance as I am giving a talk to Sussex Women in Business in Horsham this week and running some of my mini bite sized lunch and learn 2 hour workshops on this very stressful topic. So RSS my feed to make it easier to receive my daily blog into your inbox or Google Reader.
Do feel free to post up your thoughts, opinions and ideas to help us all learn from each other.
What’s one of your top tips for reducing your work/life stress I ‘d love to hear them.
I’ve just had my eyes tested at Spec savers this week and have just picked up some stylish new glasses and it made me think of Allison Mitchell’s great book “Time Management for Manic Mums” where she talks about The Eye of Time.
The Eye of Time is a wonderful analogy and tool for pinpointing what you are choosing to focus your time on. She asks what gives you 20/20 vision and clarity and where your life is at the moment.
She talks about “near focus” which is all the activities, jobs and routines that need to be done from the washing and ironing to the taxi –ing the kids about and making the dinner. To the “far focus” activities that you can’t see like paying the bills, filling out the school forms for your child’s latest trip to the Polka Theatre, to painting the back bedroom and mending the fence.
Then she talks about “peripheral vision” which are the things that get left out as they are outside your normal focus of vision – activities like having a night out with your partner, going to the cinema with a girlfriend or learning to Salsa Dance.
And “blind spots” that you just can’t see anymore – like dressing up in your little black dress, going out after work for a drink with your colleagues or planning that trip to South Africa.
So what’s your vision like at the moment do you need an eye test in your work/life balance?
Do you have 20/20 vision or a sty in your eye?
But more importantly what are you going to choose to do now you’ve become aware of it…… life is all about taking small committed actions
So just stop and ask yourself:
About the author
Sue Atkins is a Parenting Expert who offers practical guidance for bringing up happy, confident, well behaved children. She is also the author of “Raising Happy Children for Dummies” one in the famous black and yellow series published worldwide and the highly acclaimed Parenting Made Easy CDs. She regularly appears on BBC Breakfast and The Jeremy Vine Show on BBC Radio 2 and her parenting articles are published all over the world.
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Sue Atkins the Parenting Expert
T: + 44 1342 833355 M: 07740 622769
Gatehouse Farm
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New Chapel
Surrey RH7 6LF