The Importance Of ‘Me’ Time for Mums

The concept of “me time” can be laughable and guilt-inducing for many busy mums. But it’s a healthy, necessary part of modern parenting. It’s not selfish – it’s self-care and vital to help you cope with living with kids! I coach loads of mums  and dads around balancing their lives as most of us put […]

Quick Ways to STOP Guilt – The Biggest Gremlin of Parenting!

I’m writing my notes for a Zoom business talk for a global business around “Lunch and Learn” bite sized talks for 45 minutes on a wide range of topics. Parenting is such a vast subject isn’t it, and one of the many topics that I cover is, “GUILT – The “BIG G” and gremlin of […]

6 Steps to Future-Proof Your Workforce

Strong, resilient, dedicated, hard working, creative, caring, reliable, multitalented, team player: These are just some of the words to describe a working parent in your organisation. Balancing the roles of parent, employee, taxi driver, teacher, chef, housekeeper, counsellor, Summer Holiday Butlin’s Red Coat entertainer, loving partner & hybrid worker: parents are doing more than ever […]

Real Mothers often have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids!

  Happy Mother’s Day! Real Mothers don’t eat quiche; They don’t have time to make it. Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils Are probably in the sandbox. Real Mothers often have sticky floors, Filthy ovens and happy kids. Real Mothers know that dried play dough Doesn’t come out of carpets. Real Mothers don’t want […]

Are you often exhausted as a parent? Here’s the antidote !

  Are you often exhausted as a parent? Do you regularly feel drained, overwhelmed and off-balance when it comes to raising your kids? It’s difficult and challenging raising children and even more challenging when you have a child with behavioural problems, like ADHD or Autism or a child who is frequently defiant or even just […]

How was your day?

    It was 2.30 am and I couldn’t sleep on holiday recently, so I got up and started to write a blog on the veranda. A couple walked by, a little worse for wear on the delicious happy hour fruit cocktails. The man looked up at me and said in a rather too loud […]

The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question – 20/20 Vision

This week’s theme for my blogs will be about exploring your work/life balance as I am giving a talk to Sussex Women in Business in Horsham this week and running some of my mini bite sized lunch and learn 2 hour workshops on this very stressful topic. So RSS my feed to make it easier […]