Time for a Toddler Tale? A simple story for toddlers about potty training.
Time for a Toddler Tale? A simple story for toddlers about potty training Puddles and the Tale of Wet Tail the Dolphin Once upon a time in a lush bamboo forest, there lived a little panda named Puddles. Puddles loved lots of things, but his favourite thing in all the world was ice cream! […]
Toddlers and Toilets – A Simple but Fabulous – Potty Training Tip !
Check out all my Potty Pointers Quick Win Videos here Download my The Ultimate Potty Training Readiness Checklist
Sue Atkins’s Famous Potty Training Tips !
Today I am on The Jeremy Vine Show discussing the problem of children starting school not able to go to the toilet by themselves. So here is my advice on The Boots website. Does it feel like your child will still be wearing nappies on their wedding day? The good news is you’ll probably have cracked potty training by then! It […]