The Sue Atkins Wednesday Parenting Story – Knowing Where to Tap
Here’s my Wednesday story from my never-ending notebook and my everlasting coloured pencil. Knowing Where to Tap At the end of the 19th century a wealthy mill owner was sick with worry as his steam boiler lay broken and his workers were standing idle. Time was money and as the hours and days passed he […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Parenting Story To Ponder
Maybe it’s time to make some small changes this week that, over time, become big changes for the better and will create a brighter more fulfilling future …….. Today’s Wednesday Story from my never ending notebook and everlasting pencil comes from the fascinating HYPKNOWSIS website and is continuing with my theme of new beginnings. Library of […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story for Parents To Ponder
Sailors Being a successful, relaxed and confident parent is not about controlling your environment, controlling your kids, controlling your partner or even about controlling your life, but instead, it’s about being able to respond to it with extreme flexibility. A captain of a ship can’t control the wind, the sea, or the weather and […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Parenting Story To Ponder
Crossing the finish line Today’s story from my never ending notebook and everlasting pencil is all about doing your best. Personal Best “As John rode his sleek new bike along the winding country lanes, he was aware only of the hedgerows flashing by on either side of him…a ribbon of ever-changing green. He could hear […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story To Ponder
Here’s today’s story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil In your hands Once upon a time there was a mother. She was a very good and conscientious mother and she did her very best to look after her two little boys and feed them, clothe them, clean them and answer all […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story
I love stories! My Dad used to be a brilliant storyteller making up endless stories for me to fall happily asleep to last thing at night. He also used to tell my children “true lies” as he had run out of true stories about growing up in Balham during the war, learning how to […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story
Here’s your Wednesday story from my never ending notebook and everlasting pencil! One Friday morning a couple of months ago the log man came to our house and delivered our winter pile of logs for our open fire but he dumped them outside my neighbour Helen’s door instead and she sent me a vitriolic text […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story
Here’s your Wednesday story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil. An armada of the US Navy was engaged in naval exercises off the coast of Canada when the following radio exchange was recorded: “Please divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid danger of a collision” “Recommend that you divert […]