The Best Defense Against Bullying: Arming Your Kids With Stories

This is a super post from Pam Allyn Founder and executive director, LitWorld & LitLife; author; literacy and education expert and advocate in The Huffington Post about using stories as a way to help children deal with bullying. “A few years ago, I received a call from a mother in my community. Her voice breaking, she […]

25 Things Children Never Say !

Love this – add yours ! ‘Mummy is on the phone right now, so let’s entertain ourselves quietly.’ ‘I’m going to play with my toys now. I really do have so many of them.’ ‘I have a lot of homework tonight, I should get started.’ ‘We all decided that we want to watch the same […]

Are You Buying Toys That Stunt Your Child’s Brain?

Here’s a thought provoking article from The Huffington Post “If you are living a fast-paced and busy life, the downtime you get from a seemingly innocuous “device” that passively entertains your kid, is probably a welcome respite. However, Gameboys, computers, cell phones and the plethora of over-stimulating toys should not be your babysitter. I am […]