The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story – The Starfish.
Here is one of my very favourite stories from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil. The Starfish Story One day a woman was walking along the beach when she noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, […]
The Power of Vulnerability & ‘Daring Greatly’ While Parenting In A Pandemic
I am part of a Group called The Adler Café as I study the psychology of Alfred Adler as part of my continued professional development and we meet up monthly through Zoom since lockdown. Alfred Adler was an Austrian physician and psychiatrist who is best-known for forming the school of thought known as Individual […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Parenting Story – The Seahorse in a Starfish World
Here’s a story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil. The Seahorse Once upon a time, there was a young seahorse called Sidney. He was a lovely friendly and clever seahorse, who was very good at being a seahorse, but the problem was he was born in a world where most people were […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Parenting Story – Knowing Where to Tap
Here’s my Wednesday story from my never-ending notebook and my everlasting coloured pencil. Knowing Where to Tap At the end of the 19th century a wealthy mill owner was sick with worry as his steam boiler lay broken and his workers were standing idle. Time was money and as the hours and days passed he […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Parenting Story – The 99 Club
Every Wednesday I post an inspiring, thought provoking story for you to reflect on. I have been posting them for many years and today’s story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil is called the 99 Club The 99 Club “Once upon a time, there lived a King who, despite his luxurious lifestyle, was neither […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Parenting Story – If you’re good to life, life will be good to you.
Here’s today’s story from my never ending notebook and ever lasting coloured pencil ! If you’re good to life, life will be good to you. The Master looked into the face of the young monk,and behind the eyes he could read that the boy’s life would not stretch a month more. Illness […]
How-to books on parenting are plenty but the latest guide by Sue Atkins stands out ….
Today I am thrilled to tell you about a review of my latest book from The Asian Parent online magazine. Most how-to books on parenting try to make what is often called the toughest job in the world sound easy but this one is different in its outlook. Written by Sue Atkins, a well-known British […]
Why Taking a New Baby Home Is Like Learning To Drive.
Metaphors and stories have been used for centuries as a method of healing, learning and guidance for parents and children alike. Here is my Wednesday Story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil Why Taking a New Baby Home Is Like Learning To Drive. “Taking a new baby home is like learning to […]
‘Food is more than Fuel’ ~ Sue’s Surprisingly Simple Tips to End Your Food Battles
One of the common themes on my Disney Junior Facebook Lives every month is about Fussy Eaters. I’m reading ‘Parenting Without Borders ‘ a completely fascinating book as it talks about the different cultural habits around sleep & how we probably create neurotic and anxious children around bedtimes as we insist they sleep alone, in […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story To Ponder – Why People Like Clowns
Here’s my Wednesday story from my never-ending notebook and my everlasting coloured pencil. Why People Like Clowns “Why do people like me?” asks the clown. “It is because I make people laugh?” “They enjoy laughing certainly,” says his friend. “Or is it my colourful clothes, large shoes and big smile?” “They enjoy those too.” “But […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story – Excellence is not a skill. It’s an attitude !
Here’s my Wednesday story from my never-ending notebook and my everlasting coloured pencil. Excellence is not a skill. It’s an attitude! ~ Ralph Marston A gentleman once visited a temple under construction where he saw a sculptor making an idol of God. Suddenly he noticed a similar idol lying nearby. Surprised, he asked the sculptor, […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story To Ponder – Falling Over
Here’s my Wednesday story from my never-ending notebook and my everlasting coloured pencil. Falling over Here’s a story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil from Dave Mason from Hypknowsis “When I was a student, I went out one winter’s afternoon and I found that my old car wouldn’t start. I had been […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story – The Piano
Here’s my weekly story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil. The Piano A mum wanted to encourage her young daughter’s interest in the piano so decided to take her to a local concert featuring an excellent and famous pianist. In the entrance foyer the mother met an old friend and the two […]
The Sue Atkins Wednesday Story – The Shoes
Here is my Wednesday Story from my never ending notebook and everlasting coloured pencil. The Shoes You may have heard this very old story illustrating the difference between positive thinking and negative thinking before. “Many years ago two salesmen were sent by a British shoe manufacturer to Africa to investigate the market and report back on the […]
Have You Tried My ‘Eat That Frog’ ? Technique With Your Kids?
One of my favourite techniques is what I call the ‘Eat That Frog ’ or what some people call the “When … Then” technique. I read a great international bestselling book by Brian Tracy called ‘Eat that Frog’ which encourages you to get a difficult or unpleasant task out the the way first. Possibly […]