How Do You Cope With School Refusal?

Many children at some time in their school career find going to school a challenge and may feel anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed. School phobia (known to may professionals who work with children as school refusal), is a complex and extreme form of anxiety about going to school (but strangely may not be attached to the […]

The need for noise and our struggle with silence.

I go into many schools running my Confidence Classes for Kids Workshop  and I am always struck by how noisy the classrooms can become. I do an exercise called The Garden of Dreams where I take the children on a visualisation into a beautiful garden with sunflowers and waterfalls and I help them relax, concentrate […]

Have You Filled A Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids

This is one of my favourite books for children. It’s called “Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids” It is just the most super, simple, powerful and amazing little book that kids just embrace quickly and easily and  I guarantee it will transform your child’s attitude and self esteem […]

Tips For Clingy Toddlers, Separation Anxiety & Nervous Kids.

              How many of us have left a inconsolable child in childcare or school and gone on our way with a sick heart, wondering if we’ve done the right thing? I’ve been answering toddler questions for a regular feature that I write for an In -house magazine in the […]

With Kids’ Bedtimes, Consistency Is Key To Learning And Development

I read with interest, but not surprise this new piece of research on the importance of sleep. Parents have all heard, and personally experienced, how critical a good night’s sleep is for their children. But new research suggests that the consistency of kids’ bedtimes matters just as much for their developing brains as the number […]

Read my interview in The Sunday Times

I’m delighted to have been interviewed for The Sunday Times today as I’m speaking on One Page Profiles at The Sunday Times Education Festival on 22nd June. Here’s the link to read what I have to say about class sizes in schools ! What we’d change now.

Be Strong Enough To Be Gentle

Today I read this wonderful quote on the very delightful Victoria Chart Company Facebook page. “Be strong enough to be gentle. Too many parents equate being gentle with being weak or passive when nothing could be further from the truth. Gentleness requires great control, active connection, and intense calm. So, when your child needs discipline, […]

I was touched by this little boy’s compliment……

I was in a school today and I always put my reading glasses on my jumper as a habit, as I’m tooooo proud to get a reading chain that hangs around my neck,  as I think that’s what old people do !! ( Vain woman that I am!) BUT what really struck me today was […]