Why is Parenthood so Monotonous?
I remember sitting around the kitchen table with my friend Nicky pondering the guilt I felt around finding some aspects of parenting monotonous. It goes without saying that you, like me, adore your kids but I did find some aspects of raising them repetitive. We all know that kids thrive on routine and consistency but […]
Coronavirus infection and pregnancy.
I am doing an Instagram Live on Saturday 25th April at 3pm with Bloom Classes. Join us for an Instagram live by following @bloomclasses this Saturday at 3pm with me @sueatkins18 Being a new parent is difficult enough add in a lockdown and the result is a staggering hundreds of thousands of new parents feeling […]
My Story of Being A Mum – what’s yours?
The first time I sat down to write my Story of Mum I was raw in grief about the door banging behind my beautiful 19 year old daughter Molly as she as she packed her cheetah print Converse, Mac Makeup and Primark Pyjamas and left home, jumping excitedly and nervously into her father’s car – […]
Story of Mum – The Importance of Being A Mother
Story of Mum is an interactive journey – a chance for mums to be creative, to share their stories, to explore what it means to be a Mum, a woman, or a grandmother and to express what has influenced us, shaped us and sustained us as Mums. Story of Mum is a Community with supportive brave mamas doing uplifting […]
The Sue Atkins Inspiring Sunday Sayings – The Week’s Best Parenting Tweets
Mums and dads have known it for centuries: kids say the funniest things. But before Twitter was invented, parents didn’t have the privilege of sharing their witty and (unintentionally) wise utterances with the wider world. Without Twitter, we wouldn’t know about Noel Clarke’s son’s pointed life questions, the girl who wants to call her new […]