5 Important Questions To Ask Before You Get Your Child A Mobile Phone.
I’m asked all the time by stressed out, nagged to death parents, ‘When is the best age to get my child a mobile phone?’ Even though they have probably been begging for one—how do you know they are really ready? One simple question is to ask yourself, ‘What will they be using it for?’ I […]
Is your child a hopeless screen-ager?
Children today are growing up with computers, Gameboys, Play Stations, X-boxes and Wii’s. They are the generation of screenagers. But what does this mean to your child’s development? Well, it means that your child will: be strongly visual and think in pictures be literal as opposed to abstract in their thinking have a shorter […]
Is your child’s sulking, whining, hyperactivity, temper tantrums and becoming easily frustrated linked to YOUR technology use?
Is ‘Technoference’ affecting your parenting? Are you always checking your phone? Do you find it hard to turn it off? Do you check your phone at the dinner table or in restaurants? Are you on your phone at the school gates, trains, coffee shops ? So, the BIG QUESTION IS…. Is your child’s sulking, whining, […]
10 Reasons You Shouldn’t Hand A Mobile Phone to Your Young Children.
I was invited to talk on BBC Radio Wales about children as young as 5 being bought their own mobile phones. An Adelaide technology company says it has sold 25,000 of its all-in-one children’s smartphone, watch and GPS devices in 2020 and we’re still only in January! As regular listeners to my podcast will know […]
Is it OK to smack our kids and when should we give them mobile phones? The Sue Atkins Parenting Show Episode 1
The Sue Atkins Parenting Show is where we discuss every possible aspect of parenting, giving you advice and support on topics which affect your daily life. Each free, weekly episode is bursting with practical tips, techniques and ideas. Also, you can sign up to The Sue Atkins Parenting Club for exclusive access to a friendly […]
A quick important lesson for parents and teens.
In case you missed me on Good Morning Britain yesterday
Children are starting school not able to speak properly because their parents are too busy looking at their smart phones to talk to them, a senior Labour MP has said. Shadow Education Secretary Tristram Hunt warned that children’s development and their long-term prospects are being impacted by irresponsible parents more interested in Instagram and […]
Sue on BBC Breakfast discusing Rod Stewart ban of mobile phones at his dinner table!
I was asked to go on BBC Breakfast News to comment on society and its changing use of technology. I was specifically asked to discuss Rod Stewart and his imposed mobile phone ban when the family are dining together – join the conversation! How do you handle your kids use of mobile phones ?
But, Mum, everyone at school has a mobile phone. Literally everyone. Except for me
I have recently been creating a One Page Profile with a lovely 10 year old who is nagging and nagging and nagging her parents for a mobile phone ! I don’t know what you think but I was recently on Sky News discussing 5 year olds who have their own mobile phones ! Now I love […]
Digital Parenting Made Easy
I picked up a copy of the excellent “Digital Parenting” Magazine from Vodafone yesterday – you can read really helpful articles and “How To” Guides on all things technical from Parental Controls on XBox 360, to setting up Blackberry Parental Controls, to teaching you how to put YouTube on Safety Mode.