The need for noise and our struggle with silence.
I go into many schools running my Confidence Classes for Kids Workshop and I am always struck by how noisy the classrooms can become. I do an exercise called The Garden of Dreams where I take the children on a visualisation into a beautiful garden with sunflowers and waterfalls and I help them relax, concentrate […]
The Sue Atkins Inspiring Sunday Saying
Just opened a letter from Sarah Teather Minister of State for Children and Families here in the UK
I’ve just opened a letter from Sarah Teather MP Minister of State for Children and Families here in the UK thanking me for my Parenting Made Easy CDs and Journals ! Have you got yours yet?
STOP beating yourself up – try patting yourself on the back with my little exercise !
I usually save this questionnaire for my personal 1-2-1 clients and it’ll only stay up for a couple of days, so grab this opportunity and a pen and take advantage of my unique pat on the back ! Pass it on to your friends before it returns to my exclusive coaching programmes 🙂 What I do really well. […]
My take on ways forward after the riots.
The riots in the UK shocked the world but I believe that good will come from the ashes of the burning cars and the looted shops as we will as a Nation begin to look at the underlying causes to such wilful and reckless looting, greed and disaffection. It has become the norm, over recent […]
The Unfair, Unjust and Unbelievably Harsh Voice of Ludicrous Comparison!
One of the most intriguing, unjust and unhelpful beliefs that a lot of parents have, is the belief that because someone is excellent at something or displays incredible levels of skill it means that you can never become as skilful as them, so there is no point in even trying. This is a commonly held […]