Setting Yourself Free: Breaking Away from People-Pleasing: Understanding the Causes and Embracing Change
I was recently working with a Mum who described herself as a ‘people pleaser’ & was worried that she was passing that on to her daughter. A people-pleaser is a person who puts others needs ahead of their own. This type of person is highly attuned to others and often seen as agreeable, helpful, and […]
How to Give Your Child the Gift of Self Esteem
The most important gift you can give your child is the gift of self esteem. Self-esteem is how you rate yourself deep down. It is a belief and a confidence in your own ability and value. It’s a gentle knowing that: you like yourself. you think you’re a good human being. you deserve love. […]
Activities to build self-esteem in kids ~ Tip 8
Keep a child – friendly home If your children spend most of their time in other people’s houses, you’re lucky; if they all congregate at your house, you’re blessed ~Mignon McLaughlin One simple way to build your child’s self esteem is to make your home inviting to your child’s friends. Yes, you will have more […]
Activities to Build Self Esteem ~ Tip 7
Patting Your Kids On The Back – The Art of Positive Praise “There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread” Mother Theresa In a management survey I read recently 88% of people who left their company said they didn’t receive enough acknowledgement for the work they did […]
Activities to Build Self Esteem ~ Tip 6
After-School Activities: Striking the Right Balance I have been pondering After School Activities and pushing your children too hard which can seriously damage their self esteem and confidence. Here are just some of my thoughts and questions to help you strike that balance between too many and too few ! Statistics show that children […]
There’s no ‘Quick Fix’ for Bullying, Low Self-Esteem, Drug Abuse or Knife and Gun Violence.
“Many streets in urban Britain are thick with warm flowers and cold blood” Mary Riddell from The Daily Telegraph Research suggests that infants in loveless, violent and abusive homes will have had their emotions hard-wired and damaged by the time they are only 18 months old. George Hosking, a clinical criminologist whose charity, the […]
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
I’ve been working with a wonderful group of super kids aged between 7 – 11 in a local primary school for the last 8 weeks for 45 minutes each week running my After School Club “Confidence Classes for Kids.” We have had great fun creating our One Page Profile Posters – where the children looked […]
Don’t just teach your kids how to count.
I am passionate about empowering children with the gift of true long term self esteem. Join me personally on my Beat Bullying ~ Confidence Classes for Kids. Helping children feel good about themselves and empowering them with the strategies and simple techniques for lasting long term confidence. Click here to discover more
Is low self-esteem a good thing for a child ?
I am delighted to have my great friend Dr Rosina McAlpine from as my guest blogger today. Dr. Rosina McAlpine is an Associate Professor at the University of Sydney (see University of Sydney ) and has a Masters degree and a PhD in education. She is an award-winning educator having received 3 outstanding teaching awards – […]
Beat Bullying – Confidence Classes for Kids
Today I have just finished my Beat Bullying – Confidence Classes for Kids Workshop and I always feel so inspired by the children’s happy smiling faces after the day we spend together. I really love teaching them my One Point Technique, My Circle Of Confidence Technique and my Success Diary ideas and love seeing their confidence […]
The Sue Atkins Sunday Saying
Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.
Send me YOUR videos, stories and photos using your “Easy” button and your Parenting Made Easy app
Lots of parents, schools and families have sent me emails about using my idea for the “Easy” button or my Parenting Made Easy app so I thought it would be fun if you send me in your videos or photos of your family having fun using your “Easy” button […]