Tips for Beating the Isolation Blues.
Feeling isolated when you first have children is very common, as you’ve probably left a job where there was always people around to chat to, so plan ahead and talk to your friends and other parents about what they do to get out and about. One simple way to combat loneliness is to get […]
Are your kids being deprived? As hugs, cuddles and touch are being edged out of our lives I ponder how to find that balance.
Hugs, cuddles, touching and connecting physically are being edged out of our lives, with doctors, teachers and colleagues increasingly hesitant about social touching. Important campaigns like #MeToo make us even more mindful of inappropriate physical connection but make it even harder for us to find that healthy balance. Is this hypervigilance of boundaries beginning to harm […]
What an extraordinary piece of television ‘Old People’s Home For 4 Year Olds’ is.
As a former Deputy Head and teacher of many classes of 35 four year olds, of course I was going to be intrigued, but not surprised, by the joy they would bring to the lives of those spending the final chapter of their lives in a retirement home in Bristol. Or in ‘God’s waiting room’, as […]
Empty Nest, Divorce & Surviving The Crazy Time……
My 21 year old son rang for a catch up just before he was off with his Dad to watch Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. It was great to hear his voice, hear his news and to hear how busy he was juggling writing his dissertation, working at his journalist placement and planning his climb […]
The Very Real Feelings of Grief, Loss and Empty Nest Syndrome
I struck up a conversation with a lovely lady out walking her black Labrador in Lingfield today and the subject turned to our children having recently flown the nest and our enormous feelings of grief, loss and sense of emptiness as we get used to the empty house, the end of all the fussing, supervising, feeding, washing and taxi – […]
As I prepare for my beautiful daughter to leave my nest and fly off to Manchester Metropole University in a few weeks I read with interest this article as I am also currently going through a divorce after 21 years. 7 TIPS FOR IMPROVING MARRIAGE IN AN EMPTY NEST It is peak move-in time […]