The Sue Atkins Parent Question
Every week I post a parent coaching question for you to ponder. What is time teaching me?
The Sue Atkins Parent Question
Just for this week pop this question up on your fridge to ponder – you might just be surprised by your answer ! What would I do if I couldn’t fail?
The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Question
How can I teach my child to be more entrepreneurial in their thinking?
The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question
What must you accomplish in the next 12 months as a family?
The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question
Each week I ask you a Parent Coaching Question to ponder over the course of the whole week. Lots of parents print it off and pop it up in their kitchen or bathroom so they can see it often to let the ideas surface naturally as your unconscious gets to work on the question. Other people sit down […]
The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question
What is ending – how can I see this as an opportunity ?
The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question
What if I were to give people a second chance?”