Hot flushes, Hormones And Empty Nests

  I will always  remember the way my heart lurched as my daughter announced that she was going to take the Offer from Manchester University after all and go a year EARLIER than she had planned. Of course I was thrilled that she was off to University but I was also going through a divorce […]

The ‘Next Normal’ – Advice for Handling CHANGE

Handling change is one of life’s greatest challenges and is a major element in my work with parents & my intention is to help parents handle change positively and with clarity, direction and confidence.  Change is inevitable and although it’s perfectly natural to resist the changes in your life and feel overwhelmed and anxious about […]

A BIG day in our house.

This is a big weekend in our house as my daughter packs her Converse, Mac makeup and heads up the motorway to Manchester to start University. I never understood the grief my own mother must have suffered as I left for University and a life full of adventure, fun, independence, and life’s steep learning curves […]

For all parents whose child has just started University !

Well my son has been gone almost a week and he’s having a blast at Fresher’s Week and enjoying settling into Brunel University. Through Twitter I am delighted to have a developmental psychologist, educator, researcher, and writer who studies how today’s youth grow into healthy, successful, and engaged adults as my guest blogger today. Here […]