The Dance of Intimacy – Keeping The Glow With Your Partner

  This week will be all about Valentine’s Day and can be a time of great romance or great pain. Many people put their children first and of course while this is necessary and honourable is it at the expense of your own relationship? I remember a great friend of my Mum and Dad’s Nuala […]

Keeping The Glow With Your Partner – Try Something New !

One reason why relationships get stale, go off the boil and become boring is that couples get stuck in a rut of routine and having children often takes away from the spontaneity that keeps love alive, fresh and expanding and growing. Doing the same things over and over again becomes uninteresting, tedious and sometimes depressing […]

Keeping the Glow With Your Partner – Take a Snap Shot.

No matter where you are in your relationship, it’s important and healthy to regularly check in on it from time to time to keep it fresh, keep it growing and keep it alive. By asking some simple but thought provoking questions like: Where are you? Where are they? Where is the relationship as a whole? […]

THE question to save your relationship.

As it’s Valentine’s Day just around the corner  I thought it would be a good opportunity to pause when you are stressed, frustrated, angry or tired and to just STOP and ask yourself: What would love do now ?

10 Reasons Why Older Siblings Can Be Terrible Baby Sitters

Here’s something to ponder as you plan your well deserved night out! “It seems only natural for older siblings to be given the position of built-in babysitter. After all, they know the family rules and expectations better than any hired babysitter would. However, even though this may seem the ideal situation, it might not necessarily […]