How do YOU handle Christmas Family Fall Outs? Here Are My Tips.
We all face similiar problems at Christmas from Auntie Mabel on the sherry to Grandad and Brexit. So, here are just a few of my tips to not just surviving Christmas but thriving at this season of goodwill. While Christmas can be an exciting time, it can also be a big cause of […]
How Do You Talk to Children about Cancer?
How do you talk to children about Cancer? Receiving a cancer diagnosis is challenging at any age, but for children in particular, it can be hard to understand what’s happening. When talking to your children about cancer, it’s important to approach the topic with care and sensitivity. Here are some tips to help you […]
What the royal parenting styles say about Kate, Meghan & Zara.
I was asked to write about the Royal styles of parenting for The Sun’ newsapaper recently & how they have changed over the years. RAISING kids is no mean feat, with everyone’s approach slightly different to the next – and despite strict royal protocol, it seems the women of the British royal family each have […]
How wonderfully exciting ! Saw this in a shop window and just had to share !
My day outside Buckingham Palace waving at the Royal Wedding
Today we got up earlier than a school day and went to London to have breakfast at our favourite greasy spoon cafe. We had a traditional English Breakfast of bacon and eggs and toast – washed down with a great mug of tea! It was FAB and a great way to kick off the celebrations […]
Congratulations you are getting married – have you talked about children?
As we celebrate tomorrow’s BIG EVENT here in the UK – The Royal Wedding, here is one of the chapters I contributed to in the new book “All in One Marriage Prep” that I sent to Prince William and Kate Middleton. As regulars of my blog will know I kindly received a lovely message […]
Today I received a letter from Buckingham Palace !
Imagine my excitement today when I opened a letter with a Buckingham Palace emblem on it! I was thrilled to receive a letter from Prince William and Kate Middleton thanking me for the book, “All-in-One Marriage Prep” that I contributed to and sent them as a gift for their Royal Wedding on 29th April. I’m […]