Children Need Play Not Pressure.

Between schoolwork, homework, data driven school learning, standardised tests, exam anxiety, after-school activities and bullying, kids are super stressed out. The foundations & most important and valuable learning happens in the early years of our children’s lives. The experiences that they have then shape their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and how they think about […]

Exam Success & Navigating the Teenage Years Giveaway

Exam’s are right around the corner and not far after that will be the summer holiday’s. For June’s giveaway I’m bundling up all the workbooks and MP3’s in the teenager section of my shop. Here are all the items you can win: Banish the Bickering Confidence Classes for Kids Coping with Change Exam Success Made […]

‘Tick Box Teaching’

  Today thousands of teachers in the UK are on strike. I sympathise because education has become a world of what I call “Tick Box” Teaching – where teachers are snowed under with data. Ticking boxes about whether a 5 year old in Year 1 can “ Recognise common graphemes and common alternative pronunciations” in […]

How To Handle Disappointing Exam Results Positively

Today we don’t have to wait for the envelope gently landing on the doormat with more of a flutter than a heavy thud, but the contents have the potential to help your child’s dreams come true… or shatter them into a million tiny pieces …… for now. Today my daughter looked up her results on […]

Using Facebook could help boost exam grades

I was surprised to read that students’ use of social networks like Facebook could help boost their exam grades, according to new research that I read about in The Telegraph today. I work with lots of parents (and teachers)  who disapprove but it looks like time on Facebook may help rather than hinder students’ performance. […]

The Sue Atkins Weekly Coaching Question

  Going the extra mile  When we have done our best , we can await the results in peace.” ~Unknown I don’t know who said this, but I do know that they were right on target. My kids are both studying for their exams at the moment and I have helped them set some studying […]