Top Tips For Encouraging Enterprising Traits In Our Children.
My friend Lorraine Allman has written a really super book bursting with practical ideas to help you develop your child’s entrepreneurial creativity. Enterprise for me is a mind-set and it starts early so whether you want to help improve the prospects for an exciting and rewarding future for your child in business, improve their future job prospects […]
The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Question
How can I teach my child to be more entrepreneurial in their thinking?
Do You Want to Know How to Develop the Inner Entrepreneur in Your Child ?
As the number of job vacancies available to school-leavers and graduates continues to shrink, developing your child’s entrepreneurial ability has never been more important. In this new book, mum and entrepreneur Lorraine Allman, offers over a hundred activities and ideas, and picks the brains of some of the UK’s most successful entrepreneurs, sharing […]