The harrowing true story of how online porn drove boy of 12 to rape girl aged 9
“There is a real risk that young people are growing up with a skewed view of what sex is.” Sean Templeton So what are YOUR boys watching online ? A boy of 12 who raped a nine-year-old girl after watching hard-core pornography online was spared jail yesterday as his lawyer warned of a generation […]
Where has my little girl gone?
As you know I have been interviewed many times on the TV and radio about the early sexualisation of girls and have written about what I think about padded bras for seven-year-olds, dolls dressed in high heels, and pole dancing kits for kids as I am the Mum to the very wonderful Molly – my […]
There “must be easier ways of bonding” with your child than playing a game that allowed “gangsters to run over prostitutes”.
Parents are too often complicit in the sexualisation and commercialisation of children, according to Reg Bailey the author of a landmark Government review into childhood. What do you think? How do you manage that fine line? What are your boundaries? Here’s the article in today’s The Daily Telegraph “Too many parents either willingly encourage […]