Divorce Step By Step – Taking Sides
It’s vital that you DON’T make your children feel that they have to take sides. It’s bad enough that some family and friends feel that they have to. In this video I talk to you about how your divorce may affect the relationship you have with Family & Friends. What have you come up against […]
Divorce Step By Step – The Dreaded Form E – Advice Around Your Capital
I found the Form E totally daunting so I asked Neil Russell to talk me through it to help you. Looking after your children. Separation and divorce are traumatic events for families. I wrote this journal for children going through divorce as it is designed to help children express, explore and understand some of the strong emotions […]
Divorce Step By Step – The Financial Side To Things.
MONEY ! It all rather bluntly boils down to the kids and money. It’s vital that you get professional advice at this time from an independent financial advisor. Most people are really, really worried about the money side of things but good financial advice around what you are entitled to will make a HUGE difference […]
Divorce Step by Step – Ages & Stages
I have been working with two families going through the process of divorcing and what has struck me is how the news that Mummy & Daddy are separating can vary depending on the age of the children. How the news hits a 3 year old is very different to how an 11 year old understands […]
Divorce Step by Step – What to tell the people around you
In this video I talk to you about how to tell your employer that you are going through a divorce. Lots of people I work 1-2-1 with struggle with what to say and worry how it will impact on their work colleagues perception of them. Also I talk to you about talking to family and […]
Divorce Step By Step – The Legal Stuff
In this Divorce Step by Step video I talk you through the legal stuff. It’s REALLY important that you take your time to find a really good lawyer that you can relate to. It’s important to keep things out of Court if at ALL possible as it gets messy, aggressive and EXPENSIVE and the only […]
Divorce Step by Step – Avoiding Conflict
I always say to the parents that I work 1-2-1 with that ‘Divorce is a process NOT an event.’ I also say that it’s not the divorce that damages children, but the level of conflict they experience, that can have long term repercussions, even into their own adult relationships, so getting this part of the […]
Divorce Step By Step – Your Well-Being
Looking after your own health and wellbeing is absolutely crucial in being able to look after your children through this really challenging process. In this video I personally guide you through a very important aspect of the divorce process – your own personal well-being. How will a divorce affect your own health and well-being? Take […]
Divorce Step by Step: The Impact on Kids & Discipline
Separation and divorce are traumatic events for families. Under such pressure and stress your energy for putting boundaries around your kids can seem like a step too far as you are so tired, but keeping your discipline consistent can really help your children cope as it gives familiarity and structure to their lives when so […]
Parenting expert Sue Atkins on love, divorce and discipline
As my regular readers know I am currently in India giving some parenting talks in Mumbai and Bangalore. I was recently interviewed by Yahoo Lifestyle India about my views on love, discipline and divorce. Here is the article: Sue Atkins is an internationally recognised Parenting Expert, […]
Coffee and Chat – a great conversation about Divorce.
I was delighted to have been invited in to my local radio station Ridge Radio last week. It’s a great space to really chat about a topic in a relaxed, down to earth practical way with Karen and Mima. We talked about the effects that a divorce can have on children […]