My Disney Junior Parenting Hacks around ‘Bedtimes’ with Billie and Greg from The Mummy Diaries.
Is your little one having trouble settling down at night? Establishing a few nighttime routines can help. Here are some ways you can stop the bedtime battles and start getting more sleep. Keep an eye out on my Instagram feed over at @SueAtkins18 this week to get more of my Bedtime Tips and if you […]
Have You Tried My ‘Eat That Frog’ ? Technique With Your Kids?
One of my favourite techniques is what I call the ‘Eat That Frog ’ or what some people call the “When … Then” technique. I read a great international bestselling book by Brian Tracy called ‘Eat that Frog’ which encourages you to get a difficult or unpleasant task out the the way first. Possibly […]