Why it’s NOT a good idea to be your child’s friend.

So many of the Mums I work with on my Drop In & Chat sessions want to be their child’s friend and don’t want to be the “baddie” telling them off or disciplining them. But that’s just not want kids need. Children thrive on boundaries, limits and structure. They feel safe, they feel secure and […]

The Power of a Positive “NO!”

Research suggests saying ‘no’ is not the most effective way to discipline a child. Purvaja Sawant talks to experts to find a happy solution for parents and children. Disciplining a  child is every parent’s worst nightmare. After all, it’s one of the most difficult jobs in the world, one that doesn’t come with an instruction manual. […]

So is it a good idea to bribe your kids to behave?

I have been asked to appear on the Vanessa Feltz Show tomorrow that will be aired on TV in April to give my opinion on bribing kids to behave …… I’d love to hear your opinions and experiences so why not post them up here and let’s hear them ! So…… here are my thoughts […]