These books are wonderful resources to help children understand and cope with grief in a sensitive and age-appropriate way. 📚💔 #ChildGriefSupport

These books are wonderful resources to help children understand and cope with grief in a sensitive and age-appropriate way. 📚💔 #ChildGriefSupport Also check out the wonderful books about grief, change & loss in #TheSueAtkinsBookClub 📚 “The Invisible String” by Patrice Karst is a heartwarming book that helps children understand that the bonds of love can […]

Coping With Bereavement With Children.

            For many children their first real experience with loss happens when a pet dies. When a well loved pet dies, children need consolation, love, support and affection more than complicated medical explanations. They need to have their feelings understood and validated. Their reactions will depend on their age and […]