Using Facebook could help boost exam grades
I was surprised to read that students’ use of social networks like Facebook could help boost their exam grades, according to new research that I read about in The Telegraph today. I work with lots of parents (and teachers) who disapprove but it looks like time on Facebook may help rather than hinder students’ performance. […]
A Story A Day Is Good For Your Children
As a former Deputy Head and Class Teacher for 22 years teaching children to have a love of learning and a love of books is very important to me as reading is a vital life skill that I feel very passionate about – because kids who can’t read lack confidence, lack opportunities and are disempowered […]
Questions To Start Conversations ~ The Sue Atkins Family Challenge!
I am a real advocate of families sitting down and eating together as it creates a bond, a connection and makes life fun. Kids can chat about their day, their worries or just spend time with you, and you can share your life with them in a easy and natural way simply through sitting down […]
Are you dealing with the “Terrible Two’s?” Do you suddenly have a fussy eater on your hands? Is it nearly impossible to get your toddler to stay in their bed at night? Are you struggling to potty train your toddler? I understand as I’ve been there , done that and have the T […]
Pals Across The Pond – New Video on enhancing TODDLERS communication skills
How do we enhance communication skills in a 19 month old? Sue says build their confidence with language. Lynne adds read their body language