The Best Time To Talk Is Now.

  Whenever I begin the process of coaching parents, a mum, or a dad, or a family, they almost always say something like this after the first meeting ‘I/we should have started this conversation years ago. I/we have known ‘this’ was a problem for a long time and suppose I/we somehow believed that it would […]

The Sue Atkins Parent Question.

Every Monday I post a Parent Coaching Question for you to ponder. Save it on your phone to look at each morning to get you thinking, or pop it up on the fridge in the kitchen to pause to ponder throughout the week. No beating yourself up now ! Just the act of Kaizen – […]

The Sue Atkins Parent Question

Coaching questions help you to bridge the gap between where you are now, to where you would like to be in your family relationships. Every week I post up a question for you to ponder & reflect on. Some people find it helpful to save the question on their phone to see each morning to […]

The Sue Atkins Parent Question.

Every Monday I post a Parent Coaching Question for you to ponder. Save it on your phone to see each morning to get you thinking, or pop it up on the fridge in the kitchen to pause to ponder throughout the week. No beating yourself up now ! Just the act of Kaizen – steadily […]

Setting off for Edinburgh without a Sat Nav, compass or flight plan

How many parents do you know that have actually pondered the bigger picture to their parenting? Most parents I meet and work with have got a bit stuck in the “socks and pants” of life going round in circles stuck in the undone homework and untidy bedroom scenarios and don’t look up to ponder the […]

The Most Important 45 Minutes Of The Day

When I work with parents I ask them to become aware of the last 45 minutes of their day because what we read, see, listen to, talk about and experience during those last few minutes before you fall asleep impacts on your sleep and your attitude to begin your next day. Your unconscious replays and […]

We are Not Meant To Do It All By Ourselves

Making meaningful changes in our lives can be tough when we try to do it all by ourselves. We have all had dreams, intentions and resolutions that never seem to amount to anything.   Without consistent, independent support even our best intentions get overtaken by the stress and circumstances of our daily lives. We all […]

Coach In The Spotlight – Sue Atkins

Here’s my interview with The Coaching Academy where I qualified as a Coach many years ago ! What brought you to coaching? I became very interested in self development and read a great book by Fiona Harrold called “Be Your Own Life Coach” and I wanted to apply this way of working to parenting so […]

The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question

What’s going on right now that tells you that you have a problem or an issue with your kids at the moment?  What have you done so far to improve things? What small changes could you make just this week to improve things? What’s stopping you from moving forward positively and effectively with this problem? […]

The Sue Atkins Weekly Parent Coaching Question

Each week I ask you a Parent Coaching Question to ponder over the course of the whole week. Lots of parents print it off and pop it up in their kitchen or bathroom so they can see it often to let the ideas surface naturally as your unconscious gets to work on the question. Other people sit down […]