Nature’s Keepers: Things You Can Do for a Greener Future as a Family.

    As I watch the News I often feel rather helpless  so it got me pondering  what practical things we as families can do to help with climate change. Here are some of my thoughts that I hope you find helpful As a families can play a crucial role in addressing climate change by […]

The Power of Your Voice: Teaching Kids They CAN Make a Difference

I’ve been pondering how we raise politically engaged children. Not necessarily politicians but engaged children who become engaged teenagers who turn into engaged adults.  At a time of great extremes in politics I think it’s important to ponder.  What can we do to encourage children to engage with social issues, reflect on their values, and […]

Simple But Effective Earth Day Ideas for Parents and Children.

Talking to your kids about the environment is important for lots of reasons: Raising awareness: Children who are taught about the environment are more likely to be aware of the issues facing our planet. They can grow up with a greater sense of environmental responsibility and understand the impact their actions have on the environment. […]

‘Talking & Teaching’ Toddlers about Nature Starts With Us.

‘’When one tugs at a single thing in nature, one finds it attached to the rest of the world.” John Muir ‘Talking & Teaching’ Toddlers about Nature starts with us. Here’s some simple ideas to help: ? Nature is what we see and feel around us. ?Nature provides us the air to breathe, the water […]

Enséñales a respetar la naturaleza y el planeta

Todos queremos que nuestros hijos crezcan cuidando el mundo en que vivimos. Si inculcas buenos hábitos desde el principio, esperemos que los mantengan para toda la vida. Aquí hay algunas ideas para comenzar. Read more here Muéstrale a tus hijos cómo clasificar la basura para reciclarla. Haz que te ayuden colocando los artículos en las cajas o bolsas […]