How You (As A Caring Employer) Can Help Employees Through Divorce and Separation

I was delighted to have been invited to the House of Commons recently to the launch of the Parents Promise  a new HR initiative to support parents going through divorce or separation. Businesses including Asda, Tesco, Metro Bank, PwC and Unilever have partnered with the Positive Parenting Alliance (PPA) to promote more family-friendly policies for […]

Putting Your Children First in Divorce

Putting your children first I’ve been recently working with a couple who are divorcing and we were looking at how to handle the new roles that both these parents now  face whilst going through the transition. One area I discussed with them was accepting that their ex has a continued role to play in their […]

Coping with a Breakup or Divorce – real help – good advice.

I have written many articles around handling divorce and break – up  as I run a 6 week personal 1-2-1 coaching programme called  “Separation – Putting Your Children First” because I always say that divorce is a process not an event, and having gone through this myself I know first hand how unsettling, terrifying and […]

SPLIT … a film for (and by) kids of divorce

  A bad marriage can make parenting and life in general stressful. The loss of the family structure can be very upsetting and distressing for everyone involved in the major change. Despite divorce being on the increase around the world, parents often feel at a loss when searching for practical support. They also feel overwhelmed, […]

The Importance Of A Child-Focused Separation

Today my guest blogger is Stephen Anderson, a friend  who is a family mediator, collaborative lawyer and non-adversarial solicitor. I asked Stephen to contribute an article because I work with a lot of parents going through divorce and separation in my 6 Week “Separation – Putting Your Children First” Coaching Programme and I recommend that they consider […]

Why it’s important not to put children in the middle of your divorce.

Here’s some of my media coverage this week. As divorce becomes more and more frequent we ask just how much of an effect it can have on our children. Some research last week claimed that whilst children of divorced parents are more likely to become binge drinkers as adults, it’s not the actual divorce, but […]