How to Talk to Children about Shootings: An Age-by-Age Guide.

We’re all looking for ways to explain something that’s impossible to explain—because we don’t understand it and talking about terrorism/ shootings is different from other frightening or unsettling news, because it’s very different from a natural disaster. Even as adults we are unprepared for random and atrocious acts of violence. Whilst we wish we […]
Tips for ‘Talking & Teaching’ Your Children about Terrorism, Shootings & Handling the News

The terrible news of the innocent shootings of elementary children & their teacher in the USA again today has tragically raised how we cope as parents with news coverage & helping our children feel safe. Here are some ideas I wrote after the Manchester bombing that may help. What a dangerously unpredictable world we […]
Handling ‘The News’ With Children.
I’ve recently had two children referred to me who have a fear of being shot by a terrorist after watching the news about the terrible attack on Ukraine The problem with 24/7 News coverage is that it blows out of proportion the amount of bad things that can happen and children are very sensitive […]