My 9 year old has started having nightmares. What can I do?

  Credit: PeopleImages/Getty Images My 9 year old has started having nightmares. What can I do? Russ Robertson from Croydon  Nightmares: Practical Steps to Stop Scary Dreams Children of all ages get scared by nightmares. Nightmares are most common in children aged 6 to 10. While pre-schoolers have an active imagination, and worry about monsters under […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Dealing With Your In-Laws at Christmas

From Christmas to Christenings we have to learn to get along with our in-laws. I was very blessed as I got on really well with mine before my mother -in -law developed Dementia. When she first washed my kitchen floor I had to pause to ponder whether she was suggesting that I was a hopeless […]

Are children given too many toys at Christmas?

My lovely Mum got cross many years ago with my young kids as they unwrapped ANOTHER lovely present without making a fuss of gratitude,  as they had become blasé about all the gifts they had been blessed to receive. Yet it seems we are still keen to give in and indulge  our children’s wants – the Toy […]

Make ‘Fussy Eating’ a thing of the past!

    If you suddenly have a fussy eater on your hands – you’re not alone! I work with lots of parents going through the same thing with their children as faddy eating is often a phase that young children go through to explore their independence and to test you out. But with a simple […]


  “Should I let my child go on a sleepover?”   I get asked this a lot. And frankly, it depends. We’ve all heard the gossip of the disasters in the school playground. I know some parents who simply make it their policy — “No sleepovers ever” or ‘No sleepovers until you’re ___________. (put in […]

What to Do if your Child is being Cyber Bullied

  I’ve been asked for my advice on ITV ‘This Morning’ about what to do if your child is being Cyber Bullied. Bullying  a subject close to my heart as I was bullied in my first year of secondary school for a little while and I got alopecia as I didn’t tell anyone as I […]

Sue Atkins and Ditch the Label: ‘Can Parents Stop Bullying?’

  Can Parents Make It Stop? As parents, we’re sure you’re familiar with the crippling pain and anger you feel when someone intentionally hurts or upsets your child. Its a world of mixed emotions telling you to protect your kid. The thing is, as a parent, there is only so much you can do to […]

Helicopter Parenting: Is It Time to Land and Let the Kids Take Off?

  A New Study In The Journal Of Pediatrics Says Maybe It’s Not Social Media, But Helicopter Parenting That’s Making Kids Depressed. It’s not just social media, but the rise of helicopter parenting, in which kids no longer have spaces to just hang out with each other and be kids that is contributing to mental […]

The Dance of Intimacy – Keeping The Glow With Your Partner

  This week will be all about Valentine’s Day and can be a time of great romance or great pain. Many people put their children first and of course while this is necessary and honourable is it at the expense of your own relationship? I remember a great friend of my Mum and Dad’s Nuala […]

Are You Missing One of These for A Successful Relationship?

Keeping the Glow with your Partner. Although most of us desire a healthy relationship it’s surprising how many of us don’t really understand what makes love survive long term. Most of us are bombarded with images of love and sex in magazines, TV adverts, and on the radio but often they idealise, romanticise or trivialise […]

Keeping the Glow With Your Partner – Take a Snap Shot.

No matter where you are in your relationship, it’s important and healthy to regularly check in on it from time to time to keep it fresh, keep it growing and keep it alive. By asking some simple but thought provoking questions like: Where are you? Where are they? Where is the relationship as a whole? […]