Navigating the Digital Jungle: A Parents’ Guide to Sleepovers in the Age of Smartphones and Gaming
Navigating the Digital Jungle: A Parents’ Guide to Sleepovers in the Age of Smartphones and Gaming Sleepovers have long been a rite of passage for kids—a night of bonding, laughter, and, of course, very little sleep. But in today’s world, sending your child off to a friend’s house isn’t as simple as packing a […]
Lauren Brown – Creator of Busy Brains Activity Packs
Connect with Lauren Brown Website Instagram Facebook Email Twitter
Kay King Author of ‘Why Baby Loss Matters’ and Executive Director of White Ribbon Alliance UK
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¿Por qué la habitación de mi hijo es un desastre?
Algunos niños les gusta el orden, pero seamos sinceros, ¡la mayoría no! Sin embargo, es posible ver el piso del cuarto de tu hijo sin recurrir al soborno. Read more here A los niños les emociona mantener su recámara limpia si se sienten orgullosos de ella. ¿Por qué no dejar que ellos elijan sus propias cobijas o […]
Have You Tried My ‘Eat That Frog’ ? Technique With Your Kids?
One of my favourite techniques is what I call the ‘Eat That Frog ’ or what some people call the “When … Then” technique. I read a great international bestselling book by Brian Tracy called ‘Eat that Frog’ which encourages you to get a difficult or unpleasant task out the the way first. Possibly […]
20 positive parenting phases instead of nagging – Tip 4
Would you like to do it on your own, or would you like me to help you?
Try ‘ING’ Activities as the Antidote to ‘Too Much Screen Time’
We all need to play our part in managing screen time. We are the first generation of parents having to juggle being 24/7 connected. We don’t actually know the damage screen time may do to our kids mental or physical health and wellbeing yet – as the repercussions won’t be known for another 20 or […]
Screenagers? Electronic Babysitters? How Much Screen Time is OK for your Kids?
Getting Your Little Darlings to Behave
What is & what isn’t acceptable behaviour in YOUR house
Thinking about your house rules makes life easier with your kids.